Thursday, July 29, 2010

I have a reason to Worship

The last few days I have been listening to the song "Desert Song" by Hillsong. It talks about prayer and trusting the Lord. In the last couple of months I have had to trust that God has a plan for me and I can't make my plans because God will always change them. It has been so encouraging to have brothers and sisters whom I pray with and trust alot, to see God use them in my life has challenged me! God is so good and he answers prayer no matter what. I am trusting God with my steps, rather than saying I don't understand or why is this happening. God has my future planned and I am ready for it no matter what happens.

Monday, July 26, 2010

God's Will

I have been thinking about what God's will for my life is and I have come to the conclusion that it is something far bigger than I can imagine. Living in Des Moines this summer has been so rewarding. The trials I have gone through have made me stronger and the ones that are happening now have been growing me. The trials are gonna be worth it because Christ knows what needs to happen. I think that whatever happens will grow me and teach me.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Whirlwinds Of Wisdom

Today I was thinking about how much God teaches us and sometimes we don't realize it. I was thinking how much God breaks us to build us up. He puts us through trials and we can either call on Him for help; or try to do it ourself. I was thinking about my life thus far in knowing Christ. So many things have changed and it hasn't always been fun. I was looking at a faithwalkers video, and the main singer had a question for the group. It went like this:

Who do you want to be in Christ? There were three choices and we needed to make a decision.
1) Those who have decided to follow Christ and never look back
2) Those who have decided to follow Christ and can't stop looking back
3) Those who have not decided

I want to be the person who has decided and never looks back.

That's all for now